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Fish Oil Versus Udo’s Oil

sustainable-fish-freeNo fish were harmed in the making of this oil!”

Currently in Australia the term “Omega 3” is synonymous with “fish”. Everywhere you look you see slogans encouraging you to “get more Omega 3 EFAs from fish and fish oils”. But fish oils are optional, not “foundational”.

Fish Oil Versus Udo’s Oil

Whilst fish and fish oils are excellent sources of the long chain omega 3 derivatives, (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) they are not a good source for omega 6 EFAs or their derivatives. Importantly, Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) and Linoleic Acid (LA) are not found in fish oils! Fortunately, both of these acids can be made in the body, as required, from the ALA provided in Udo’s Oil.

The human body converts plant-sourced omega-3 to the same EPA and DHA that are found in fish oils – in just the right proportions, with no danger of overload. If you start with enough ALA, the body will automatically regulate the conversion rates according to what it requires at any given time. Conversion rates depend on many dietary and genetic factors.

Furthermore, fish oils, once they are extracted from the fish, are subjected to steam distillation and deodorising techniques at high temperatures and pressures, leaving them prone to damage. Indeed, the fatty acids in fish are roughly five times easier to damage with heat, light and oxygen than ALA – the source of delicate omega 3 EFA.

To create Udo’s Oil, the utmost care is taken to preserve the quality of the oils by cold pressing them in absence of heat, light and oxygen, then bottling them in nitrogen flushed amber glass.

This is one of the factors that ensures  Udo’s Oil is a superior product.

For more information on Seed vs Fish oils, visit:




to read “Why public health strategy should promote plant oils in preference to fish oils” – A scientific report by Laura Scott, MSc Nutrition, VVF Senior Nutritionist (UK).